Get started

The K-Pay API provides programmatic access to allow you to pay and get paid by your customers using MoMo by MTN, Aitel Money, Visa, Mastercard, SMartcash, SPENN etc

To use this API, you need credentials and API key. Please contact us at to get your access.

API Endpoint :

Supported Payment methods

We are ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and PCI-DSS Certified



Field Type Description
Kpay-Key String Your API key.
Authorization String Basic Authentication
Content-Type String Application/Json

Payment request

To initiate a payment you need to make a POST call to the following request in Json

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-H 'secret_key=your_api_key' \
-d '{
"cname":"CUSTOMER NAME", 

Success result example :



Parameter Severity Type Description
action Required string pay
msisdn Required string The mobile phone number starting with country code and no + sign. Also referred to sometimes as MSISDN.
email Required String Email of the paying client
details Required string Details of the payment to do
refid Required string Payment reference from your system (unique)
amount Required integer The amount of the payment to do (in RWF)
currency   String Will be RWF if not set (supported are RWF and USD in future)
cname Required string The name of the person paying
cnumber Required String Customer number at the Payment processor Level
pmethod Required string The payment method
 retailerid Required String The unique retailer ID
returl Required String Return url for postback of the asynchronous response (sometimes referred as webhook)
redirecturl Required String Redirection url after payment
logourl Optional String url to the logo image to be  used on card checkout page

Failed example :

"url":" ",

Payment status inquiry

To check a payment status, you need to make a POST call to the following request in Json

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-H 'secret_key=your_api_key' \
-d '{ 

Success result example :

"statusdesc":"Successfully processed transaction."




Parameter Severity Type Description
action Required string checkstatus
refid Required string Payment reference from your system (unique)

Failed example :

"statusmsg":"Not enough funds",


Payment callback response

K-Pay will send to your system a response as soon as it gets its completion status this is send to returl parameter

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-X POST ####returl#### \

-d '{
"statusdesc":"Successfully processed transaction."


Expected response :




Parameter Type Description
tid string K-Pay internal payment reference number
refid string Payment reference from your system (unique)
momtransactionid String Transaction ID from the concerned financial institution
statusid string 01: successful ; 02: Failed
statusdesc String Details of transaction status
payaccount String Bank account / mobile number used to pay

Available Payment methods

Supported Payment methods in K-Pay


# Payment Method pmethod value
1 MoMo by MTN momo
2 Airtel Money momo
3 Visa cc
4 MasterCard cc
5 SmartCash cc
6 SPENN spenn
7 Safaribus cc

Test Cards

Some test cards you can use on Visa / MasterCard payment methods
CVV: use 3 digits example 123
Expiration date: use any date in the future

Card Scheme
4111 1111 1111 1111 Visa
4444 3333 2222 1111 Visa
4035 5010 0000 0008 Visa
5555 4444 3333 1111 MasterCard
2222 4107 4036 0010 MasterCard
5555 5555 5555 4444 MasterCard

Transaction limits

The transaction limits are set based on transaction payment method

Payment method Limit
Mobile wallets 2,000,000 RWF
Cards 10,000,000 RWF

Return codes

The K-Pay API has various response codes (retcode):

Code Meaning
0 No error. Transaction being processed
01 Successful payment
02 Payment failed
03 Pending transaction
401 Missing authentication header
500 Non HTTPS request
600 Invalid username / password combination
601 Invalid remote user
602 Location / IP not whitelisted
603 Empty parameter. -  missing required parameters
604 Unknown retailer
605 Retailer not enabled
606 Error processing
607 Failed mobile money transaction
608 Used ref id – error uniqueness
609 Unknown Payment method
610 Unknown or not enabled Financial institution
611 Transaction not found